Tuesday, January 23, 2018

What a glorious time to be free!

Imagine that next month millions of Americans will get a pay increase, all be it via a tax cut,  that a huge number have not had in over a decade.  From the end of the Reagan Boom in the early 2000's,  through two feckless Presidential leaders, here in 2018 the Trump Boom is on. Decreased regulation, lowered taxes, positive pro growth leadership, has produced a booming stock market, small and large business growing again, and most importantly for those who refuse to live in a Trump hate world a positive mind set that the future indeed will be better than the past.   In our car is a CD that has a song by Steely Dan released in October 1982 that speaks of a bright future, named "IGY What a Beautiful World", the timing was perfect for us as we had just got our first management position and played it often then.   The line "What a beautiful world it will be, what a glorious time to be free"  spoke to our belief that a free market with free people can produce a better world for all.  We refused to play the song for many years since the mindset was America was not of a free people, lately we have played it often with a mind that America is back. 

We dine at a certain restaurant in Raleigh often and have got to know the owner who can also be the cashier, the floor sweeper, table cleaner, and anything needed.  In early January we asked how his business was doing and a smile came over his face that we have not seen in some time.  He noted that business had picked up and he could target the date to the passing of the tax cut.  Seriously people were spending more, came in more upbeat, and in turn he had raised the pay of his staffers sharing the tax cut with them.  We expect this is going on across America now in business small and large, many of which you know about due to press releases, and much more among businesses you will never know about such as this small business owner. We spoke to another business owner last week who told me the concern he had was that his skilled and experienced employees would begin considering offers from his competition and he would be adjusting his compensation to meet the challenge since his business had picked up, he had got a tax cut,  and he could do so now.  Only fools can not reckon that something is going on out there and what is going on is a pro growth mindset that produces increased living standards for all, more wealth creation, and a beautiful world for those willing and wanting to see it. 

The stock market boom has been nothing less than incredible for those of us who have been investing for decades.  As someone who has lived and invested for decades our bed was made some time ago and our creature comfort needs mostly met.  Indeed the current economic environment allows for us to continue to use the experienced and successful investing skill set learned over four decades plus to allocate funds and capital for future growth.  We are participating in this economic boom mostly in increased wealth, some consultation for those interested, and the blessing of getting to see a pro growth economy one more time before we leave this earth.  In truth our children and grandchildren should sleep well at night knowing via us their bed is made and being fluffed up a good bit via our ability to seize the investing moment like few others.  

If you are young get a skill and participate in this beautiful world by offering your skills to the highest bidder, live below your means and invest your savings in stocks.  If you are working now consider increasing your savings rate and participate in this rare investing moment.  If you are older thank Americans that many considered in November 2016 that taking America back to a pro growth environment with a pro American leader would raise living standards for all, offer opportunities for young people not even hoped just two short years ago, give business owners new hope, and make investing for wealth creation great again. 

As we said at the start of this posting it is a moment in time to be thrilled to be alive.  One can go all political here and want the old no growth, financial engineering, high tax and high regulation world back but that is only for those who refuse to take advantage of the opportunities a pro growth economic environment offers.  We want to believe that by November of this year most Americans will consider and decide this America is better than the former 16 years America and decide they like this one better for themselves and their posterity.  We owe our children and future American generations nothing less.  Indeed "what a glorious time to be free" "trumps" the other choice.