Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Let us begin this journey...

As some of you know I do extensive research in my stock and bond investing activities. That research I expect is a good bit more than most of you have the time to do, (I do at least 30 hours weekly), nor do I expect most of know where to go to find such information. Most of my investing centers around selling stock options, investing in municipal bonds and finding stocks that pay good safe dividends, generally from moderately safe to lead pipe solid safe dividends. Yes, there are stocks out there that are in my opinion have "lead pipe solid" dividends. In fact the one I consider the safest stock on the planet currently pays 4.8% annually. Much better than a CD and it generally raises it's payout annually. How about one paying 6.6% annually right now and is solid as well.
For several years now my CPA has encouraged me to start a investing newsletter or blog.  Frankly the time involved doing so kept me from considering it. However I have decided to give it a go and see if others have interest in my research. So if you have interest place this blog and send me an e-mail and let me know. Feel free to pass this along info to your friends as well. I will pass on that "lead pipe solid" stock name in my next posting.  Understand this investment research is best for investing after one has put away maximum contributions in your 401-k and Roth IRA.  Those two options are your best way to build wealth, after those are funded you then have money to invest in individual stocks and bonds.
 I have been investing in stocks and bonds for now over 30 years and I believe I have made about 90% of all investing mistakes that can be made, so you gain from my experience in avoiding these mistakes as well as highlights of my extensive investing research. No, I do not put myself up as a guru on the subject, but I have been most successful the last 10 years or so with 15% plus gains annually in my trading account and little or no loss in my investing account. Yes, I got hurt in the 2008 stock market "crash". but my trading account is now back above where I was in August 2008. I get the joy of passing on to anyone so inclined the joy of investing that now is my passion.  In addition if you want to chat about investing e-mail me and let's discuss. I am always looking for someone who can pass on info to help me as well.
 Also if you are passing this onto friends ask them to send me an e-mail so I know who is reading this and if is worth my time to continue the blog. So let's get started, have some fun, and make some money.  If I get no response I will know this is not worth pursuing and I will move on the no less for wear. 


  1. I'm a retired friend of David Blackwell, hence my access to your blog. I have high interest in investing, little knowledge, but would like to follow your thoughts. Thanks.

    Charles Vincent

  2. Hey Bob!

    Great job, I am so glad you started this, its been talked about for how long?

    Here is my question and have discussed it with you before. Once I get my 401K maxed out and my Roth IRA maxed out. I would like to see you blog as to how "to get started" meaning, how much $$ you suggest to start out with and can you do it yourself or through a stock broker? How did you start 30 years ago?

