Monday, October 3, 2011

Fourth Quarter Trading Portfolio

Twenty two holdings to be trimmed to 17 by year end.  We continue to take out non performers and concentrate on blue chip dividend stocks. That concentrates holdings in each stock at a higher value, which not perfect is good for this economic environment.
AGNC...I continue to like the agency reits in this interest rate environment. High dividend and solid capital preservation. Nice high options.
ARCC...This stock is slated to be sold out of the portfolio by the end of the year. However I still like it as a holding once the economy improves.  This BDC is the best of the breed.
BCE... Has held up very well in this market. Continues to produce portfolio income and is in Canada away from political issues in US. Like owning AT&T in Canada.
CTL..great value stock with high dividend. I own it at too high a price but will keep it due to value. Is best of breed for legacy telecom carriers and is doing a good job with assets.
DUK..has also held up well in price during tough market. As merger gets closer investors begin to consider upside in stock via expense savings and CEO change.  Possible upside here.
ERF..I am deep in this stock as well price wise, but will keep it for it's high dividend and value. Keeps producing income for portfolio. Second largest holding.
FTR.. to be sold out of portfolio by year end. Has had some earnings problems of late.
GS.. What a huge trading mistake. Deep in the money here and will sell out of portfolio by year end.
HCN... another stock that has held up well. Good dividend and income producer for portfolio.  Continues to be undervalued.
HTS... another agency reit. I bought this one before I decided to prefer AGNC.  Will likely sell this one out of portfolio. Good stock however. NC based company.
JNK.. continues to be a good monthly dividend, despite not being a solid income producer for the portfolio. Will keep for future recovery. Third largest holding
LO..largest holding and solid performer income and dividend wise. Has held value plus since stock market downturn. Keeper. Is also undervalued. On a side note LO makes the brand of cigs Obama smokes.
MO..Ditto for holding value during downtown and good income producer too. Government guaranteed annuity.
NNN..Solid Solid Solid. This stock continues to be a pleasant surprise as it has gained value during downturn and just keeps on being a great performer. Might now be best real estate company in the country.
O..A tad bit overvalued, but the monthly dividend and solid performer due to shareholder friendly company makes it a long term holding.  I continue to like O very much.
PFF..down a good bit since it has financial stocks in the portfolio. But I will keep it for recovery and monthly dividend. 
RAI...Tobacco stock that just hold values and keep adding income to the portfolio.
RRD..Has been a disappointment the last quarter. Good dividend, but I am likely selling it out of portfolio by year end.
SCCO..way down in price and I am deep in the money. But I like copper and will keep it for recovery.  Frankly the market has made a mistake on copper use and this stock should rebound once that becomes apparent.
SO..My vote for safest stock on the planet. During downturn, during upswing it just does what it does best and keeps rewarding shareholders. Makes you sleep like a baby.
T..newest addition to the portfolio for safety and it has been just that. I added after t-mobile merger was put on ice and price got hit.
WIN,, Good dividend and ok options. Will likely keep it for awhile since it should recover. Good company fundamental wise.
PM..Phillip Morris is on the watch list as it gets sold off due to currency concerns and we might enter this stock if the price drops  more. PM is just a fabulous company with great management.

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