Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Reelecting Obama means leaving no debt behind.

First off let's be honest this idea is not something we thought of on our own, No siree we watched too many other people do this for a long time and after trying to convince others. notably progressive types, that it was just plain morally wrong we finally found it was useless to try convincing them.  You see the poor, as defined by Obama those making under $88000 ( look it up if you do not believe me as to how poor you have to be to get health care premium assistance under Obamacare, I will wait here for you to look it up ) are getting some real help in this country. 

On the other hand we have watched the very wealthy, such as the soon to be extremely rich Mark Zuckerburg of Facebook, find ways to get completely off the tax rolls by not taking a salary and just piling up debt to be assumed by lenders and taxpayers after they have passed on. Movie stars. rich liberals,  and pro athletes have been using this debt planning all along with tax dodging personal foundations on the side to accumulate wealth and pass on to their children and at the same time dump debt on the taxpayers later. Trust us on this one too that most of these rich people are doing it with the blessing of the Obama administration since they plan on doing it themselves, after all Obama is an elite like them.  So we figured to heck with it let's join the party so my friends below is a way you the middle class American can get in on this party too.  Note if you have concerns about screwing your kids and grandchildren then read no further. 

Honestly here is that we work the angles. God blessed us with a gift of seeing every angle every loophole in a situation and how to take advantage.  Maybe it is why we run a personal hedge fund, helps to be able to see angles where others see nothing.  Applied for a job position back in 1992 with a national brokerage and took a couple of tests to see if we could make the grade. Tests came back with two notes, applicant is supremely talented to do this work, but could be a compliance risk.  The person who was trying to hire us said if I did not know you personally to be a honest person they could not overlook that last part of the results. Offered us the position anyway, but we went on to other employment at the time. 

All this is to say our latest and maybe greatest angle is leaving no debt behind.  We are currently in process of buying a home and for the first time in our lives with a 30 year mortgage. Again the angles.  We have bought three houses in our lifetime, in two we persuaded the seller to self finance and one with a no interest loan for the purchase. The next one was a 10 second swap of documents moving a check to pay for the home into a interest only home equity loan.  The rule for most of our life was to keep assets liquid, make cash payments for most everything to avoid interests costs, and maximize cash flow. Times they are a changing however. 

Having a shall we say a very ideology bound US President and the possibility of that person being reelected offers more significant angles.  As someone who just took out a 30 year loan which barring medical science discovering the youth gene we will not be alive to pay off this loan is new ground.  Yes, the interest rates are dirt cheap, but there is more here than meets the eye. Obama's policy here is simple.  Obama is trading the power to take away the ability to rise as a person economically in this country for a lifetime of security, at least supposedly security. So in essence he will pay off the older generation to get out of the way and let him do it.  Well we are standing in line here for the payoffs. The payoffs are taking on significant debt in houses, vehicles, credit cards, and living the good life knowing Obama will be there to mop up the mess, take on the debt, and pass it on via now wholly owned government banks and the federal government to the younger generation. 

Housing debt under Obama offers the chance to get homes that are already at discount pricing and in places you would really like to live, but would normally be beyond your budget,  knowing that once you grow tired of living there or no longer desire to pay the debt you simply walk away.  No sweat, no regrets, and for the first time ever in America no stigma from taking on and not making the payments. Under Obama it is now the fault of the lender who made you the loan, heck you can even sue the lender now and make a buck. Is America a great country now or what?  Ditto on credit cards, load up on electronics, new furniture, and when you can not pay blame the creditor and walk away. Yes, we know you are asking, but what about your credit score?  Trust us at my age now who cares, we are not going to be buying any big items anymore so why does it matter if our credit score is in the toilet at 500. Besides if we do really need to buy something we need Obama is right there to make it happen via some government program. 

Maximizing consumerism to the extreme is the angle here.  Lots of social security going forward, lots of taking on bankrupt companies pensions via the Pension Guaranty protection of the federal treasury, and lots of life lengthening expenses via Obamacare and Medicare before that healthcare Ponzi scheme runs it's course too. Makes one wonder which Ponzi scheme goes down first Social Security or Medicare/Obamacare, but who cares we will not be here to worry about it anyway. Does it threaten to bankrupt the younger folks, you bet.  But if these younger folks and liberals are going to do it by voting Obama a second term anyway then why not take them up on the deal.  If my thinking and financial figuring is correct the entire national pile of trillions dollars of debt will collapse about the time we begin pushing up daises. 

 Might even consider voting for Obama, but have problems with that since we will in essence be voting to screw younger generations for our current enjoyment.  We would rather take advantage of the fool voters than do it ourselves.  Makes it easier to laugh at such voters when they realize about three or four years from now they have been had. 

Anyway let's keep on the buying spree with no concerns about paying off any debt, just defaulting as we need to at the time. Hope you people who are going to vote for Obama do not catch on and vote for someone else in November 2012 since then we be in one heck of a debt laden mess.  The thing that amazes us is that there are people out there who are willing to follow this piped piper off the cliff.  Anyone know where to get one of those state of the art 72 inch HDTV's, of course we are not concerned about the price.


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