Monday, July 23, 2012

Reorganized Trading Portfolio.

Due to the run up in dividend stock values we have been forced to exit some positions and add some on in order to keep within the parameters of our trading rules.  Thus below is our current third quarter trading portfolio. Again let us mention this is a TRADING portfolio, not an investing portfolio. The purpose is simply to find stocks that provide us with option income and some degree of safety. During the next few months safety has become the most important variable in trading until the political situation becomes clearer. Our trading portfolio is completely in a margin and thus the hedging technique to make profits is applied, this a hedge fund. 

AGNC... still a solid performer since late last year. Continues to produce moderate income with good safety due to the stable interest rate market.  This one will remain here until Bernanke says he is raising rates which he had said will be no earlier than 2014.  Big time dividend too. 

ARCC..this stock has stabilized here around $16 and we have waded back in after dropping it last year. We figure if it can hold up in this economic environment then it should be good for awhile especially considering we will be trading it with a larger than normal margin of error. Good 9% dividend.  Business development company. 

BCE...continues to impress with unusual stability at a price we believe to be moderately overvalued.  It might drop below $40, but quickly rebounds making it an excellent trading vehicle. Canadian telecom paying over 6%. 

CTL... approaching a fair value price at around $41 now. Could move up some more, but has enough volitilty that we can sell puts at $38 and make good money and have a nice degree of safety.  Has continued to invest in areas where growth in telecom looks good.  Nice 7% payout. 

ERF... yes we took a huge loss in this stock earlier this year, but believe it would be foolish not to trade it now since much if not all of the loss is baked in at the current price of around $13.  We look for stock with floors and this one surely has hit it now down over 50%. Nice dividend still even with the recent cut and continue to be paid monthly with suits our trading style just fine. The oil in the Dakotas which ERF is a big part of is starting to pay profits now as well. 

FTR...we continue to keep this position on a seperate balance sheet due to the long term nature of the holding and the size of the option.  Note the significant insider buying of late and we believe we might have hit the sweet spot here. 10% divy. 

JNK...junk bond ETF continues to be a part of our ongoing portfolio. It will not make one rich, but it pays a monthly dividend which is above 7% and provides continuing option income. 

LO...ok there is some risk here above $130, but we have baked in the risk and taken the chance Obama will not make menthol illegal until after the election if then. Great option income makes this risk sweet. 

NNN...we are still holding these positions until Sept. when they expire, but likely will drop it then due to the high price of the stock where the value has been bought out. For long term investors you can hardly go wrong with money here being safe and the dividend almost guaranteed. 

O...we are wading back into Realty Income at a price that makes us worry. Like NNN it's triple net cousin the price now has got almost perfect profit performance priced in, one little mistake and this stock drops $5 so we are taking so significant risk with options, but have few stocks left from which to choose at this price point. The only salvation is the monthly dividend. 

PM...despite begin a tobacco stock we feel reasonably safe in this Swiss national company. Safe from trial lawyers and priced right we have taken a position with lots of wiggle room just in case. 

WIN...we hold this in another account, but wanted to note the holding here for full disclosure.  Good dividend at 10% and most impressive insider buying last quarter makes us think positive about this long term long holding. 


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