Monday, April 29, 2013

Current Trading Portfolio

Once again let us note this is a TRADING portfolio for options and hedge trading.  However the strike prices here are compelling values for those looking for long term buys. 

AAPL...Apple is now in the sweet spot regarding trading.  Much of the downside is out of the stock price so there is limited risk going forward.  We are going to pick our spots but will look to up our exposure here to the highest in the portfolio.  Frankly the opportunity to make $21k annually from a $113k exposure is enticing.  We like AAPL at and below $400

BBT..We believe BB&T at around $29 per share offers good value and wev will trade at that level. 

BP..Much of the risk in this company is priced in now and at our trading price of $40 we will be glad to own it. 

BTE... This oil producer in Canada is under our trading price of $40.  We misread the market here a bit.  But if we end up owning it the 6.5% monthly payout and continuing call options will be solid income. 

CSCO..We believe CSCO has not properly participated in the tech run up of late and at $19 offers compelling value.  Add in the 3% plus rock solid dividend. 

CTL...Centurylink was hit hard earlier this year and we now take a wide view of it's value with our trading price of $33. Still a good long term value and dividend payer. 

FTR..We are slowly trading this stock out of our portfolio after making good money on it for many years.  We still like the company and 10% dividend.  But at $4 it is becoming harder to trade effectively. 

LO.. Lorrilard is slowly moving out of our price range of $35.  We will evaluate the shares and maybe move up our trading price when our June options expire. 

NOV...New entry with some risk. But Warren Buffett owns shares so maybe the risk is not as great.  Morningstar also has a 4 star rating on the stock. At $60 strike price the options are compelling. 

O...Great company, good dividend, but at now almost $50 per share we find little value left.  Our trading price of $40 and June options will expire and we will likely move assets elsewhere. 

SBY..This stock new to our portfolio has some significant risk, but long term we like Silver Bay as we opined in an earlier post.  Our trading price of $17.50 is low enough we will take it if reached. 

T...Got hit last week for not growing enough.  Duh...cell phone service in the US is no longer a growth industry, but more a take one another's customers industry. Verizon is too high priced for us here, but AT&T getting hit last week brought it back closer to our price of $33. 

TCAP...Triangle Capital price got ahead of itself earlier this year but has moved back some in recent months. Our strike price of $22.50 is good for trading here.

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