Monday, December 9, 2013

Stocks we have dropped in the last year and why.

We add and drop stocks as we find they lose value or they no longer fit our trading style.   Below are some we have dropped and why.

ERF...One of our favorite trading stocks ever.  We got tired of the instability of the stock price and frankly the mismanagement by the CEO.  Too much risk for the reward. 

CTL...We continue to keep this stock in our sights, but unless something changes believe the risk/reward here is too great to the downside.  Much of that risk is with large institutions who continue to exit this security and push down the price.  Long term someone looking for a stable dividend might be ok. 

LO...Great stock and solid stock.  Just got too high in price for out liking.

BCE...Again great company that is premium priced like LO

TCAP...Still good long term holding for the dividend and future growth.  But we believe it is premium priced and therefore subject to sell off if reports one bad quarter. 

ARCC...A good long term holding business develop company like TCAP.   However unlike TCAP ARCC is more subject to interest rate increases that will weight on stock price. 

JNK....We believe this remains a good stock to own for dividend and stability.  However due to the stability there is little opportunity for option income. 

INTC...Price has moved up enough we are uncomfortable trading this security. 

BTE...Like ERF there is too much uncertainty right now in Canadian oil sector.  However BTE might be the best of the bunch now. 

BBT...Price too rich for a financial stock.  Future good for this company. 

SBY...Not best of breed in the house renting business. 

NOV...Great stock with good future.  Price just too rich for us.

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