Tuesday, January 20, 2015

2015 Trading Portfolio

Reminder we are traders and look for value priced stocks where we see openings to make option trades for income.  However if you are a long term investor there are values here for individual stock pickers.  Most of these picks are low PE mega cap companies where risk is low.  However several are selections we believe offer significant upside potential along with little downside risk that are small cap in size. 

AAPL..We continue to like Apple for lots of reasons.   Low PE, lots of new phones being sold right now and lots of addicted users.   There is very little downside risk in this stock with it buying back tens of billions of dollars of stock quarterly and a nice dividend as well.  It continues to be our largest position.  We are in at $85, $95 and $97.50

BP...We are upside down in BP and fear we might remain so.  The dividend seems safe and the stock a solid oil major so unless something changes we will likely take a small loss at some point.   BP is just too big and too solid at this low PE to not have found a bottom.  We will wean ourselves out of this position since our faith in the stock price is uncertain.  We are in at $40. 

COP...We entered this oil major at a low price and with the recent sell off we believe getting in at $60 was a good entry point. However our concerns about the price of oil not finding a bottom causes worry about our short term ownership. 

GS...We continue to like Goldman Sachs at about 11 times earnings.  Our entry will be at around $155.  

JPM..Still the most undervalued mega bank out there at a single digit PE too. Our price in at $55. 

MEG..We continue to watch this television operator for a sell off and opening to move in at a better position.  Warren Buffet is a major stock holder too.  The 2016 election will bring lots of revenue and profits.  We have not set an entry point. 

MSFT..The release of Windows 10 offers some upside in Microsoft.  We also are interested in their new Spartan browser which could mean the end of IE.  Looking to get in at about $42. 

MET...A single digit PE mega insurance stock with almost no downside risk and upside potential when interest rates inch even the smallest amount. We are in at $50

NEWM...Consolidator of small to medium sized newspaper properties, which is where the profit remains in this industry. We see nothing but upside here as they buy on the cheap and mostly with cash.  We got two positions at $20 and $22.50 and we like this company's upside a lot. 

NNC...We continue to hold a large long position in Nuveen North Carolina Premium Fund.  This closed end municipal bond fund is selling $2 per share under net asset value and pays right at a 5% tax free dividend.  Safe, dependable monthly income for anyone needing such a combination. 

ORCL...Large technology stock that is still a good long term value at $46.  We are in at $39.  However we are thinking it if moves up much more the value will be gone. 

PRU...Mega sized insurance company with a single digit PE. We are in at $80.  Yes we really like insurance stocks right now. 

SF...Stifel Nicolaus is a steady acquirer of smaller investing and financial firms and is folding in the new buys very well.  We will be putting in a bid at $45 up from our current $40 strike price as we believe there is still value here. 

T...Telecommunications giant that has sold off too much for a almost 6% safe dividend. Strick price $32. 

TCAP..This pick has more upside and downside and offers excellent premium options. We are looking at a $20 strike price. 

VZ...Telecommunications giant that has sold off too much for the safe dividend. We are in at $44.

WFC...Biggest bank in the country makes for steady profits at a low PE of around 11.  Our price will be around $45. 

XOM...Best of breed oil major.  Low PE for a mega sized company that has been sold off way too much. We are in at $85.