Thursday, November 5, 2015

Our current stock option trading portfolio. November 2015

This is our trading account stocks.  We look for value stocks that have little downside risk. Rarely do we trade stocks with over a 15 PE.  These are not suggestions for purchase, just a listing of stocks we prefer to trade at this time. 

AAPL..One of largest positions.  We continue to favor Apple for it's customers addiction to their products. Safety with little downside risk.  

AGN..  Biopharma with a solid cash position and low PE.  Has been sold off recently making it attractive. 

AMGN..Note comments above, just Amgen is a older company with even better base of support. 

BAC..Huge bank, one of big four, that is selling for less than actual book price with lots of upside potential. 

C..Another of the big four banks that is selling for less than book value. 

CHL..We like this Chinese telecom that is the worlds largest cell phone provider. 

CSCO..No one does much in networking without using something Cisco makes in routers. 

FB..Facebook is the future of the advertising platform.  The only stock with a high PE we own. 

GILD...Another biopharma that has sold off making for a nice entry point. 

JPM..The largest of the big four banks and selling at the lowest PE. 

JNJ..This is the largest pharma stock by market value and we like the safety. 

MRK..Large pharma that we like at this low PE. 

NEWM...We have been disappointed in this stock.  It has all the right ingredients for capital gains.  Good business idea, buying at good value, and making the most of efficiency in operations.  A nice high dividend too.  The only problem is that the market has not though the same. We continue to own it long for the nice dividend and possible capital appreciation. 

NNC..Our largest long position.  Closed end bond fund that has produced capital gains and steady tax free income for some time now.  We might lighten just a bit here if we sense a rate hike. 

ORCL..The biggest business software company in the world at a low PE. 

PFE...Large undervalued drug maker. 

T..Telecom provider that we like for the fact people who hooked to their phones. 

VZ..Telecom provider that we like for the fact people who hooked to their phones. 

WFC..Price has sold down for reasons we find silly and we really like it now. 

WMT...We believe Walmart has sold off too much for the world's largest retailer. 


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