Tuesday, April 5, 2011

My Family Jewels.

If you did not read the prior posting on "YOUR family jewels" this one will make no sense, so go read it first.

In this posting I will discuss my family jewels which I believe are some unique investing and trading skills. Frankly it is proof that anyone, even someone who started life as poor as me, can achieve some measure of financial success today if that is your desire.

During my advertising sales and management career I worked, saved money, and invested it in tax favored retirement assets and other long term holdings as many people do. As the years went by my assets grew, primarily invested in blue chip stock funds, individual municipal bonds, and corporate bonds funds. Thus what I was doing was using my selling and managerial skill sets to produce income for current consumption and savings to accumulate assets.

That skill set served me well for well over three decades. While I was selling those skill sets to an employer I was using my free time to acquire other skill sets through life long learning. Those new skills were learning about stocks and bonds, and trading options. These skill sets are not taught in schools, but learned over many years of trial and failure. They were learned when everyone else was out on the town Friday nights, I set at home in front of a TV listening and absorbing what Louis Rukeyser was saying on his television show. (I expect many of you have no idea who Louis Rukeyser was, go google it) They were further learned by spending my spare time reading financial books and literature, when others were doing more leisurely activities. My choice, my future.

When I retired early from newspaper work over two years ago I was prepared to apply my learned trading skills to the market and achieve my goals. Now two years in and starting my third year of trading I am more than pleased with the results. My wife, who endured Friday nights of Louis Rukeyser, is happy since she got to retire early as well.

What I do is run my own personal hedge fund trading what is known as derivatives. Yes, I know that word has gotten a bad name in the last two years, but only because some traders decided to take on too much risk. However truth be know derivatives are necessary to a smooth running markets, assuming risk or actually offering insurance when it is needed. People willing to take on this risk are compensated for doing so. I personally specialize in put options, which are level four of the five level option ladder. I believe it is my stock selection skills and the unique way I handle what are known as assignments that make me successful.

I make 15% to 25% on the assets in my hedge fund annually. My best year was 2009 where I made a 32% gain. I have never had a losing year in options trading. My family jewels, my skill set, have allowed me to retire early and start a charitable trust.

The true measure of a person is not how well they succeed, but how well they take advantage of the opportunities presented in life. The key is seeing opportunity. where others see problems. Your choice, your future.

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