Monday, August 6, 2012

Carl Lamm...Rank Amateur versus Broadcast Professional.

Those of us who have had the honor to do a radio show with Carl Lamm will know what I am talking about when I say as Rush Limbaugh does,  those of us sitting across the studio desk from him are "rank amateurs" watching Carl who is the "broadcast professional" at work.   Doing what he does daily is not easy, but Carl having done it so long uses his 65 years of experience to make it look easy. 

For some over 7 months now I have been doing a talking politics show with Carl Lamm when time allows me to get to the studio.  We generally begin with about 5 minutes of quick discussion of what we might talk about, then begin the show with Carl using some jotted down notes about issues of interest.  I usually bring a short list of possible topics that we might discuss as well, but most times we rarely get to those as Carl has a way to direct the conversation by drilling down into issues during the show. 

This drilling down into issues is one of the things that absolutely amazes me each time.  Carl can remember almost anything he hears like to bear trap.  Once heard his memory is locked.  I know this since I do extensive reading myself for my financial work and to keep abreast of political issues.  Trust me on this one there are few topics about politics he does not know and can seemingly bring up from his memory on short notice.  In the many shows we have done only once did I know something he did not know.  There have been several times he has caught me flatfooted with info I did not know. 

The other memory moment that those of us who have seen him at work all must look at him with amusement is his uncanny ability to do a live commercial on the spot from memory.  The program director will mention to Carl that a certain business commercial will need to be done at the next break and Carl just takes it from there.  He starts with his own folksy way to letting you know the people who own and work at the business, the times they are open,  what they have for the customer, and just about anything that needs to be said about the business.  Time and time again he just does most of these from memory, I am over 20 years younger than Carl and there is no way I could ever do a live commercial from memory, much less from written notes. Carl does dozens daily most from memory.  As I said a broadcast professional.  

Carl is now into his 65th year of broadcasting and it is clear to anyone who has participated in a studio broadcast with him is that is loves doing radio broadcasting.  I have told those in his family and at the station that they have no idea what they have in Carl and how much they will miss him one day.   Frankly I consider myself blessed to have done shows with him and look forward to more as the political season moves towards November election day. 

So next time you tune in to 1090 AM WTSB take a moment to savor the 
broadcast professional" on air since few radio people are as good as Carl Lamm.

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