Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Making money the ugly way.

This is not pretty, nor is it necessarily morally right, but it IS a way to make a buck.  

Several years ago it became clear to me that there was at least one person in the national hurricane weather forecasting business who knew their stuff and more importantly was not tainted or swayed by politics, government bureaus, trial lawyers, or most importantly global warming foolishness. That person was Joe Bastardi.  Joe as they say has forgot more about hurricane forecasting than just about everyone else actually knows.  Joe has called more hurricanes paths RIGHT that anyone I know.  Joe has called more hurricane paths RIGHT longer out in the time frame that anyone else period.  

Many years ago as the liberal government bureaus began to take over the National Weather Service they began to plant in many people who believed as they did and that is that weather is more and more influenced by the global warming religion. Weather models began to reflect that idea and here is the big point, weather forecasting began to become agenda based on making the climate change idea stick.  You might not like hearing that, but it is plain fact.  The reason many local stations began using their own in house forecasting was to avoid that taint, but even there few forecasts remain that are not agenda based.  Note that since NBC bought The Weather Channel they too have gone off the deep end on climate change silliness. 

Point here for you local Raleigh readers. Greg Fishel is as good as any forecaster out there. However have you heard him say once in last year or two anything negative regarding his now closely held view that global warming is a hoax?  How about this little tidbit.  Raleigh set record after record this summer for heat.  During the same time hardly any of the normal hot spots in NC, such as Fayetteville, Goldsboro, etc. set any records.  The reason is simple, Raleigh over the last couple of decades has become what is known as a heat island like big cities generally are now due to concrete, housing, and such that holds heat longer.  Not one time during the records setting did you hear Mr. Fishel acknowledge that fact. Why?  Barbara Goodman (wife of station GM Jim),  now basically decides the stories going on air and she will not tolerate any deviance from her liberal theology.  High temperature records being broadcast make for good climate change agenda. 

In the last decade many of the really good forecasters went to the paid side and used the models to actually forecast what they believed to be right.  Joe Bastardi is maybe the best ever since he uses a combination of weather smarts, model understanding, and the kicker here history as a guide. Joe knows global warming is a hoax and knows that history is a better guide.  In the future look to his forecasts if you really want to know what a storm is going to do. 

Now how you can make money from listening to Joe?  Here it gets ugly. No one wants to bet on someone else losing or getting hurt in hurricanes, but folks it happens and that is fact.  The current hurricane Issac has been plodding along for sometime now and Joe Bastardi has been saying all along this baby is headed for Louisiana.  Going back the National Weather Service has been talking about a Florida hit with at most a Category 2 scenario.  Wonder why they have been talking a TAMPA Florida hit here?  I will leave that to your consideration.  Anyway it is becoming increasingly clear Old Joe has nailed another one here with the continuing current path of Issac.  If you had done, back almost a week ago as I did, and bought you some bets on the oil price getting spiked up by Issac give yourself a gold star. Because Issac is now on target to do some serious set backs to our Gulf of Mexico oil production, if for no other reason that to shut it down for some time. 

You could have bought oil interests in say Canada who will benefit from this hurricane, or shorted oil interests in Texas or Louisiana which will get hit pretty bad, either way the bounty of cash is headed your way once this hurricane does it's damage.  We doubled up on our Canadian bets and it looks like a winner here and once the hurricane hits we will depose of those assets and accompanying profits shortly thereafter. No need to take chances past the storm.  Of course we will be putting those gains aside to wait on another forecast from Joe for another round of this madness.

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