Monday, October 15, 2012

Fourth quarter portfolio

This posting includes our fourth quarter portfolio. Again this portfolio is our TRADING portfolio and does not necessarily mean it is an investing portfolio. 

AGNC...Agency reit that has taken a dip in recent days due to some fed action. We continue to believe it is a good buy and even better at the lower price. Great dividend. 

ARCC...Business development company has become one of our mainstays.  ARCC has gotten so good and so big in it's segment we for all intents and purposes consider it a blue chip. High single digit dividend. 

BCE.. Even at our current trading price of $45 it is overvalued we continue to own and trade it.  This Canadian communications giant makes for sound sleeping away from Obama's economy and missteps. 

CLF... We consider this stock a bargain at the current pricing and with a nice 5% plus dividend like it even more. If the economy moves upward CLF will prosper from it's positions in lots of iron ore and basic minerals. 

CTL...We have owned this security in some form or another for practically forever and will continue to do so.  A very nice and secure 7% or so dividend, growing business, and excellent management. 

ERF... This company has stabilized itself after the dividend cut of the first half of 2012.  The cash flow is there and the oil patches they own good places to do business.  Canadian company too which means none of the silliness in the USA. 

EXC... Owning this one will require patience due to the company having to clean up some issues with financial's. However it is a utility, it is a 5% dividend payer, and it if Obama is re-elected they are in the sweet spot for crony capitalism.  Get in bed with Obama. 

FTR.. We own FTR via long term options that pay very sweet premiums. Roll over and roll over options is what we do.  We feel like Alabama Roll Tide Roll. 

JNK... Junk bond ETF that has given up some sleepless nights of late due to the sell off in this sector. We continue to believe the monthly dividend is safe, but the value might be fleeing. Careful here. 

LO... We have taken a beating in value here, but continue to enjoy the high 5% dividend and monthly option premiums.  We advise careful investing here as well. If Obama is re-elected he could put the hammer down on menthol cigs. 

NCT...We opined on this company at $7.50 and bellied up to the bar and bought a boatload of options. Either we will be right and they are in the best situation regarding servicing foreclosure mortgages or we will lose our shirt.  We believe this stock remains a good buy. 

NNN.. Blue chip triple net leaser.  Buy, collect the 5% dividend, and sleep like a baby. 

O.. Pretty close to the quality of NNN.  But offers a monthly dividend and more risk taking in real estate portfolios. 

WIN... This company has yet to get it's financial house and PR house in order.  So we ride the ups and downs via option premiums believing they will get both in order and become a smooth operator. 


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