Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Boom Economy to Come?

Hardly a day passes that we do not talk with a small business person who tells me some version of this next sentence.  "Once the election is over and I see that Obama will no longer be President I will begin to invest capital in future business projects and hire people."    There are even real estate speculators who are holding off spending in this already lower than low interest rate environment expressing similar comments.  It all boils down to one point Romney will need to do little to get the economy going forward in a more positive growth phase other than winning next week.  We frankly expect by December it will be obvious to most that business is improving. Once he is President, if he wins, and makes some policy moves we fully expect a full economic boom to commence in less than two years. 

Fear of government is not what our founders had in mind when they wrote the constitution.  Actually they wanted the government to fear the people.  With Obama in charge the people, and more importantly investors, will not invest hard earned and saved capital due to concern that either it will be taken away, regulated away, or just plain stolen in some way.  Americans have a choice next week, either change the investing environment to one more friendly to small investors who do create most of the new jobs in this country or continue to live a life of lower expectations and lower quality of life.  Only fools can not see the obvious and with the current government education system in the US we have graduated a number of fools. 

Personally we have withheld significant investments and invested capital since at least last year due to this fear of Obama.  We are sad because there is so much more we can do to provide capital in ways to help investors, small business, and frankly consultation work.  We would be thrilled to begin investing, but fools we are not.  The last two years have not been kind to our trading platform since Obama makes so many rules and changes so often it is simply impossible to provide the 'stock insurance" we like to sell.  We have tried  to do business albeit in a smaller capital structure making sure not to lose money while still trying to make money. Caution has been the way we have done business since the odds are against us when having Obama as President. 

The choice for us next week will be simple.  Expand our horizons and look to make some money and for the first time in awhile make taxable income with a Romney win.  The other option is to pull in our resources in further, continue to stay off the tax rolls,  discontinue most if not all of our important volunteer work and civic boards, and lastly head to the beach for the next couple of decades.  The later one is if Obama wins.  Understand there are many like us just waiting to decide weather to re-engage in this economy and country or leave it to you who have re-elected Obama.  That last point is important because if many of us with capital and volunteer time leave the public environment you younger people will be forced to fill in where we left.  Your lifestyles will change more than you know.  Your choice.

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