Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Searching for that Helen Keller moment.

This post was put openly online today and I am reposting it here for purposes of my readers to see since many who read my posts DO get the point. 

Yes I have seen many of your posts from my liberal Facebook friends who supported Obama regarding some mean spirited posts on FB you said you noticed by some of your and maybe even my conservative FB friends.   First off I have checked back and did not see any of my posts I considered mean spirited, but maybe you took them that way.  If they came across that way I apologize now.  All my posts either in jests or just pointed on a subject were purposed in finding that "Helen Keller' moment with those of you who I believed did not grasp the seriousness of the election. 

By saying that Helen Keller moment I meant that moment in the life of Ms. Keller where after a long and tortuous effort by her teacher Anne Sullivan where she 'gets it' and begins to frantically want to learn all she can after the light goes off about her situation.  if you have seen the movie you know her teacher was at her wits end trying to communicate but as a teacher knew IF she connected the quest would be worthwhile. 

Not to be overly cocky here, but for most of you reading this post I understand the American free market system better than you do.  I talk regularly as I have for over three decades with small business owners and I connect with their concerns and hard work they put in to survive and sometimes hopefully thrive. Most small business people take great risk with saved capital to make a go of it. Most of you frankly do not since you only see most of this from the outside. I can tell it by hearing you talk or just seeing your posts. You might even think small business people are rich SOB's who either make too much or do not hire you because they want to keep the profits to themselves. Nothing could be further from the truth as the vast majority of small business support local charities, schools, and employ local people.  They also enjoy making life better for their communities as well and like to grow and hire more employees. It is just in their blood.  Something most people do not grasp to be honest. 

Over the past four years most of these small business people have suffered significantly due to the recession as have their employees.  They want things to be better economically and know that the regulatory environment and downright mistrust Obama has placed on them has done nothing more than make things worse economically. They also know Obamacare is the doom to many of these small businesses as they can not afford the costs and stay in business.  To that point Obama had to go to make things better.  Anything else the media tells you or you believe frankly is not true and my efforts on Facebook has been to try and make that point get home.  

Add in the simple fact that Obamacare long term ends your liberty of choice regarding your own health care decisions.  Like it of not that is simple fact.  Your vote for Obama meant that you were willing to throw away your liberty and continue the slow death of small business.   I frankly am sorry I could not connect as I have opined on my blog which most of you do not read that this election does not effect my personal well being much as I am old enough to literally run out the clock and live life before things really go bad.  In going bad means we can not go on as Obama and some believe forever spending like drunk sailors and not go broke.  Trust me on this one taxing the so called rich there is not enough money to tax to solve the problem.  So to that end I failed in helping most of you see the "Helen Keller" moment.  I am not mad at you I am sad for you for the pain and problems will be yours.  At this point there is no hope and to that I am very sorry.  


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