Friday, November 14, 2014

Fall Trading Portfolio.

Our fall trading portfolio is nothing but slow and steady.  We are completing one of our best trading years and see no reason other than keep on trading financially engineered stocks. Below are our current picks with a short comment on each. Almost all of these picks we got in on when the market sold off in October and we are enjoying the fact we believed in our market analysis of the market being ruled by financial engineering and a political economy to keep rolling on. 

AAPL...We continue to hold Apple as our largest holding and have wanted to expand it a bit as well, but the price is starting to get frothy to us and we might just hold off until a sell off occurs.  We are in at $87.50 and $90.  Note that the company bought a truck load of stock back last quarter. 

AFL...Slow steady insurance carrier which we have traded for some time.  We hold it at $57.50.  

BP...We still believe this stock screams buy me at the current price.  Oil per barrel might be down but oil companies like BP will continue to do just fine for the long haul.   Our price $42 as we are a bit underwater here.  As a side note here if oil continues to sell off we will likely take a look at XOM as well.  Sell offs create value of course. 

CSCO...Continues to chug along, raising the dividend, buying back stock. and making us profits.   Our price $23.

FB...A new security to our trading portfolio and unlike most we hold this one was simply a sold off value buy.  Our price at $65 makes us most comfortable long term even in a sell off. 

GS..Did we ever catch this one right.  We got in at a single digit PE and a strike price of $160.   

JPM...JP Morgan has moved up a good bit since we got in at $50.  Even now it is selling at a single digit PE so we will stay in for awhile longer.  Nice dividend and lots of buy backs continue. 

MET...Another of our single digit PE insurance stocks.  They just reported some additional stock buy backs and decent earnings.  We believe the insurance stocks are great buys right now because they will prosper more than any other financial segment when rates are moved up a bit sometime soon.  We are in at $50.

NNC..It has sold off recently,but at $2 under net value and a 5% tax free payout we are happy just staying long and collecting the cash.  We are in at $12.92.

O..Realty Income has moved up nicely in the bounce back and might again be getting rich for our liking.  We are in at $40.

PM...Great well run tobacco company that is headquartered internationally.   We are most happy with the $80 price we are in at along with continue dividend increases and huge stock buy backs. 

PRU..Another solid large cap insurance stock at a single PE, nice dividend, and lots of stock buy backs.  Our price $82.50

SF...Continue to plug along making money, merging with smaller firms, and making us profits.  Price $40.

T.. Steady eddie telecom stock.  Buy and forget, collect the dividends and enjoy the stock buy backs.  Price in at $33

VZ..Same as above.  Price in at $45.

ORCL..We have not traded Oracle yet but it is on our list as a replacement going forward at $38. 

NEWM..We just pounded the table on this stock and continue to suggest long purchase.  6% dividend and long term capital gains potential.  Take a look at a recent posting for full explanation

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