Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Why we call Johnston County NC Home.

We are not mercenaries as many in our former occupation tended to be,  despite having lived in seven towns in North Carolina when we live somewhere we make it our own.  We still share friendships and emotional attachments from all seven places we have lived in this state.  So when we moved to Johnston County NC over a quarter century ago we put down roots.  However we had no idea we would be here now over a quarter century.   Without reservation we can say today we are glad we stayed.  As one says about pets, this is our forever home. 

As some wonder will you be at the dock when your ship comes in?  Well we were standing first in line when our ship came in the early 1990's living and being employed when the economic growth ship docked in Johnston County.  We have held two jobs in the Triangle of which Johnston County is a part and in both we were beneficiaries of the economic boom that is still going on here.  We continue in retirement to prosper from our associations and investments here. That is not to say that the years spend in other counties did not prepare us for the opportunities in The Triangle because they most certainly did.  If for no other reason we learned the most important lesson of all living in places where there was no economic growth and that is problems associated with economic growth are nothing compared to problems of no economic growth.  

Johnston County has been either the fastest or second fastest growing county in North Carolina going on over two decades.  The population has essentially tripled in the time we have lived here.  The once little town of Clayton is about 6 times over in population growth and the largest high school in the county did even exist last decade and now needs expansion.  Indeed we are not the only one who sees this place as something special in which to live and sometimes work.  Yes lots of people live in Johnston and work in Wake.  Commuters make up maybe a third of the work force like we did for some years as the higher pay due to demand for employees dwarfs the issues of commuting. Skill sets are in demand in The Triangle and that remains the driver of higher income here. 

Over the years we have lived in Johnston County the county government here has literally flipped from strong democrat to now strong Republican.  We are proud to say we were there and participated in the birth of that change. The county commissioners have been and are now lead by a fiscally responsible group of Republicans who prioritize spending to meet the revenue from taxes not raised in over a decade.  The officeholders from Sheriff to Register of Deeds to Clerk of Court have been known to return money appropriated by the commissioners to the county coffers at the end of fiscal years. We have build dozens of schools and voters have approved lots of school bonds since the county governance has proven to be a wise spender of those bond dollars and again lived within their means. The result is over 100 people weekly find this county a place to call home.  Wake County has been helpful to our growth by continuing to raise taxes and increase regulations of course that give incentive for many to move to Johnston. 

Our county economic director tells us often the biggest impediment to his recruiting business and industry is lack of people to hire.  Our local community college is all in on training for anyone who needs trained employees as they have in the recent surge of life science industry locations in the county, including a recent $2 billion dollar plus location.  The quality of life for those here and experienced by newcomers can be found in either locating in the upscale Clayton community, finding land in our rural areas, or just finding a home in a small town.  The retail landscape keeps expanding and there are few national retailers not represented here.  One of the most pleasant options for leisure is the easy less than 30 minute trip to Raleigh NC where you can find even more restaurants and retailers.

We tell others maybe the most important thing we did by moving to The Triangle is our son now has found a home and job here and the wealth creation, good paying job, and quality of life benefits gets passed on to him as well.  We do have one regret of living in Johnston County part of The Triangle in that we are now officially senior citizens and frankly do not have another lifetime to live, work, and invest in finally being at the dock when our ship came in.  We invite you to quit complaining about pay, about living conditions, and quality of life opportunities and come find your piece of paradise here too.  You will be glad and your children when grown will be glad as well. 

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