Friday, November 11, 2011

Opportunity Delayed or put off forever?

Yesterday's decision on the Keystone XL pipeline sealed it for me. I frankly do not trust the Obama administration to do the right thing. I already did not trust him to do anything that was business friendly. He can say what he wants about wanting to help create jobs, but past decisions to pile on regulations and taxes on investment makes one reconsider their options when looking how to deploy assets.  Yesterday's decision is nothing more than political games to satisfy extremists and kills job creation.
So I have decided to engage in a policy of Opportunity Delayed in that I will deploy no more capital into investments than I currently have until after the election. I know there are others who have made the same decision and after chatting with some of those investors this past week and I see no reason to do anything but wait. 
In the past couple of months I have had seven investment opportunities placed on my table,  three of them would employ additional people.  During that time I have highly considered moving forward on all of them via either existing capital or borrowed capital which would make better use of resources.  The reason they were on my table is that others have passed over them for the same reason I am now passing them over too.  That reason is not wanting to take risks where Obama could change the rules after investment has begun. There is also the sense of impending health care costs via Obamacare and the continuing threat of rising investment taxes beyond those already added since Obama took office.
My actions here, and actions of others like me, keeps jobs from being created, keeps me and others from using capital to it's best use, and most importantly keeps me from using my skill set in the marketplace past only my hedge fund activities. I personally want to do more but the risk of losing my hard earned and saved capital is just too great with Obama.
So if you are out there unemployed remember my thoughts here when you vote in just under one year as to your future. You can continue to be without a job and any hope for a future one or you can give incentive for those of us who want to move forward by replacing the current president. Otherwise if Obama is reelected I will stop all investment activities and spend my time enjoying the beach. I expect I will find others like me to have dinner with there and discuss the good times when we could use our resources and talent to it's best effect.

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