Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Making oil supply concerns profitable to you.

Oil prices have been surging this past week and I expect the good times might be over for lower gas at the pump prices. The unrest in the Middle East is likely on for good this round. With Iran getting ever closer to the bomb and Obama seemingly just hunky dory with them having gone nuclear the other countries in the region are now on alert.  Add in the worries over Syria and where that might lead as that country looks to fall apart. Irag will soon be under Iran's control with the last US troops soon to be gone.
This tinderbox needs just one very small match to set the fire going and it could come from either of those places noted above. Israel is pondering using some force to slow down Iran's push to go nuclear and Iran has said it will close the Gulf to oil shipping it Israel carries through with it's threat. Europe seems to be worried pushing sanctions on oil from Iran and Syria. The US in the meantime seems to be non involved in this process other than sending a carrier fleet to keep watch. Obama's decision to stop the Canadian pipeline looms larger and larger as oil could be cut off from the Middle East.
These are trying times as American's go about their daily activities mostly unaware of the scenario playing out in the Middle East since the media is clueless as well. If you do not own some oil related stocks now would be a good time to add some to your portfolio to take advantage of any cut off of supply and rapid increases in oil prices. As I have said before oil supply from safe stable areas makes good sense now and in the future. I suggest ERF, PWE, COSWF, and CVE as good Canadian oil suppliers. All pay dividends which let you make money while you wait for possible oil supply problems elsewhere. China has increasingly over the last few months began to take up the lack of activity from the Obama administration to secure Canadian oil supply and thus will be seeking more supply from Canadian producers. Either by the US changing administrations or China taking the supply Canadian oil has a solid prosperous future and smart investors are taking note.

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