Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Three Christian Men I shall miss.

Woke up Tuesday morning some over two weeks ago to the news that my longest lived and last uncle had passed on overnight. With Uncle Ray Dixon gone the linkage to my family past has been broken since he was the last one to grow up on the family farm. My uncle was as good a Christian man as you would find.  Hard worker, took care of his family, never asked for a dime of charity, and made sure the rest of us younger family members were kept in line. He attended church regularly and actively participated in the worship and music there. Uncle Ray did his duty and served in the Korean War getting injured. His God was his anchor and he knew his actions were answerable to God. Thus he was humble and caring for his fellow man. If he ever spoke harshly of others I never heard it.  He did not have to since his family or friends knew doing something that would hurt him made all of us careful of our own actions. That is what good Christian men did for his country for many years.  I shall miss his wise advise and leadership. 

Then the following Friday evening I find that another man of God I had know for many years has passed on.  I met Jesse Lindsay in 1978 while working in Clinton NC as a sales rep for the local newspaper.  Jesse was another of those men you can call one of the finest Christian men ever.  He started as a bagger at a local grocery store and went on to own several Piggly Wiggly's in the area. He also did his service in the military and came home to keep working, raise a family, and build a business. Jesse got named as one of the 10 most influential people in Sampson County history several years ago, but I know Jesse was more proud of his faith, his family, and his community in that order than any award bestowed upon him. Humble, honest, sincere, and caring are words I think of when I think of Jesse. When I moved to Smithfield in the early 1990's Jesse owned a store there and I got to rekindle our friendship via my calling on him for business again. But I mostly remember his wise advise about raising children during our many conversations. As usual that advise was Christian based and most sound. I saw Jesse last year during an event we were both attending and like all good long term friendships we struck up a conversation like we had seen each other yesterday. I shall miss him and the knowledge of another wonderful Christian man is gone. 

Finally the following Saturday morning I got hit with the news that Rev. Norman Aycock has passed on. Rev. Aycock was my pastor for some years when I came back home from college and before I moved away to better opportunities. Again no finer Christian man has walked this earth in my lifetime. The things I remember about Rev. Aycock was his ability to sense problems in people and the ability to make people feel better. His ministry to my father in his last years made his life much better. My fondest memory there is seeing my father and Rev. Aycock eating fried chicken atBojangles. Two grown men chowing down on what they loved the most was worth the trip to watch. I also remember his wise counsel during times when I needed good Christian counsel.  Humble, caring, loving pastor, and family were words I relate to him. I had the pleasure just a couple of months ago to drop by his home and chat with him. Again as usual he had some comments to share about his knowing my father that warmed my heart. That was the kind of Christian man he was, never did he say anything about others that was not a lifter upper. I shall miss visiting with him and his kindness. 

All this got me to thinking were have all the fine Christian men gone? The men who made this country and raised families of Christians.  Where have all the Southern Gentlemen gone that had few harsh words, but everyone knew their counsel was like gold and others sought it out?  Like it or not everyone this country is not a better one with a less Christian based society. It is not a better one with more supposed freedom and living like we have no God who is an higher authority in our hearts. I frankly am using these men's passing to question myself as well as to my Christian character, as to my willingness to be live a life that inspires and leaves an impression of hope.  I look around me and all is see is people who are in it for themselves, politicians from the President on down who have become un-anchored from good Christian morals and understanding.  Rarely do you find someone anymore who speaks softly and truthful.  Rarely do you find men outside the church who are willing to bring Christian character to the public sphere. Good Christian Men, where have they all gone? Will this country survive without these wise patriarchs who exercised wise authority, but knew they too answered to God for their thoughts and actions? 


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