Wednesday, May 11, 2011

100 days...1000 hits...400 unigue visitors

I started this blog 100 days ago at the urging of some friends and former co-workers. All the time I told them I do not have the time to do it and who the heck wanted to read this stuff anyway. Well I have been proved wrong. Seems I have had the time to have posted 46 times or about one every two days. I currently work to do about two per week. maybe three. In that time the blog has been viewed just over 1000 times by just under 400 people. About 10 hits per day. Now that might not be much to some high octane blogs, but for someone who has no national exposure it is a good bit. I suppose what makes me wonder the most is where all these people come from, try South Korea, Denmark, Singapore, India, Russia, in all 10 different countries. Most of them at their home computer, but mobile is gaining ground. The vast majority from Facebook as it should be since I post updates there. The most read posting far and away is the one on "Common sense on oil and the price of gasoline." But some surprise me, like the posting on Jimmy V's Steakhouse has had an unusual number of hits for the time it has been up. Anyway we will keep doing this thing, at least for awhile longer, since someone out there likes it and must be getting something from it. I know that because having worked in media all my working life I know I am not a professional writer by any stretch. At some point soon I will finish completeing a posting on the Dixon Charitable Trust. Since the Hedge Fund is wrapped in the trust and the vast majority of the income from the trust currently and eventually will go to my charities I want all my readers to know that what I am doing profitwise is not neccesarily for me, but for the trust.

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