Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Current Complete Trading Portfolio

This posting is an update of every stock in my trading portfolio. My having these securities in my portfolio does not mean they are good buys for you in your situation. The reason they are in my trading portfolio is because they, as a group, fit my needs for option trading. These stocks are only one side of The Small Town Investor's Hedge Fund, the other side consists entirely of municipal bonds, about 95% domiciled in North Carolina, the other about 5% being domiciled in Puerto Rico and Guam.

AEP..Large electric utility in the midwest. I like the management and the large size. This stock is a keeper. Rumored merger candidate, which is smart business in the political enviroment. Currently no concerns regarding regulation activities.

ARCC..Largest business development company in the country. Their size makes them a good buy for dividend income and relative safety. My concern is about the economy slowing down going forward and this stock has lots of bets on the economy getting stronger. I am considering dropping this stock.

BCE..Largest telecom in Canada. I like owning stock in Canada. I like owning a telecom stock. Shareholder friendly managment.

CTL..Largest legacy telecom. Management has shown they know their knitting and how to consolidate mergers. 7% plus payout. A real good stock to bet on. Rumors of possible merger with Sprint make me like it even better.

DO..Deep water driller. Has moved many rigs out of US waters away from Obama's punitive policies. Volatile price with good divy. Careful buying is important when playing with DO, for professional traders only.

DUK..Soon to be largest electric utility in country. Current poor management to be replaced with good management upon merger. Price is about right now. Regulation concerns have eased in North Carolina.

ERF..Great way to play the oil market. Canadian firm that operates in country where oil exploration is not politically punished. Nice monthly dividend. My current largest holding. I love this stock and have made lots of money on it for years. Basically like owning your own oil well.

FTR..Legacy telecom I will be dropping from trading soon. Still good company but does not fit my trading style.

HCN..Solid health care real estate operator. I like it a lot at $50, not so much at $55. Healthcare real estate is a no brainer going forward.

JNK..Good ETF play on corporate junk bonds. Monthly dividend upwards to 8%.

LO..Maybe the best play on tobacco. Cheap price for what is a growing company. One of my best money makers percentage wise. These people know how to play politics the hardball way too.

MO..If you want to do business with the US Government and have the trial lawyers protect your payout then this is your stock. Nothing makes one sleep well at night knowing two of the largest special interests in the country are watching over your money.

NNN..One of the best managed real estate companies in country. Raises dividend annually and operates in triple net environment. What's not to like.

O..Premium priced stock, but such a great operater I have to own it. One of the most friendly stockholder companies on the planet. Monthly dividend. Has moved up to my second largest holding. Has made me money for many years.

PFF..Steady Eddie. Preferred stock ETF which pays monthly dividend. Owns preferred stock across a wide range of industries. Solid Solid Solid!

RAI..Tobacco company. Sells addictive product. Guaranteed by the US Government. Very good dividend. Any other questions?

RRD..World's largest printing company. Keeps buying up weaker competitors. Printing is not sexy anymore, but someone has to do it. Price is starting to get a bit frothy.

SCCO..My gold play, except this one is a copper producer. Copper, unlike gold, is a required metal for the technology of today. This company is the world's largest miner of copper. Does do business in Peru where political concerns can pop up from time to time. Frankly price volatility can keep me up at nights, but the profits are real nice too.

SDRL..New deep water driller with new rigs and lots of business. Contracts backed up for a long time. Domilciled in Norway where Obama can not touch it.

SO.,.Safest most dependable company on the planet. If I was dying I could put my mother's entire estate in this stock and die in peace. I might not make much money percentage wise on SO, but I never lose money either. Just keeps paying about a 5% dividend forever.

WIN..Legacy telecom. Good company, but will be dropped since no longer fits my trading style.

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