Sunday, May 8, 2011

North Carolina Community Foundation

Last Thursday night I had the pleasure of attending my first NC Community Foundation fundraiser. This was the Johnston County chamber of the organization. I have known about this organization for several years, but never took the time to get to know their work in detail or contribute. After last Thursday I am glad I took the next step and I would encourage you to do the same. If you are wondering what can I do to give, trust me they have every possible way for you to make a difference. You can just give a few dollars to already estahlished funds or you can create your own endowment to last forever. The fundraiser in Johnston County was the 20th Anniversary for the local foundation. Even in this economy the group raised what was said to be a record amount. I believe that is because Americans, and Johnston Countians in this case, see the need and repsonded. The causes the foundation contributes to cover every town in the county and touch about every point of need you can imagine. Many are non profits. The affliation with the NC Community Foundation assures your gifts go in full to the need you desire and assures solid stewardship of the funds. . If does not get better than that. If you need help in estate planning they got people who can help you there as well.

Take a look at their website If you are in Johnston County look for their chapter. You can contact the regional representative at or call 919-256-6914

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