Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Keystone XL Pipeline..one of the reasons gasoline is higher than it should be.

If you want to look where a significant portion of the blame is for the rising price of gasoline look no further than the Keystone XL Pipeline. For those who do not know about the Keystone XL Pipeline let me explain. This PROPOSED pipeline is a link from the rich oil sands of western Canada to the United States. The oil sands of Canada have more oil deposited than Saudia Arabia. Yes, right here in North America we have enough oil to handle the oil needs for this country for years to come. Better yet, Canada wants to sell it to us and not to China or anyone else. Better for them, cheaper for us.

The current Keystone pipeline is owned by Transcanada corporation, symbol TRP, and currently extends from Canada to Oklahoma and Illinois. Oil for refining has been piped to these junctures for some time. But now Canada is producing more oil than the refineries and storage facilities in these areas can handle. Thus the Keystone XL extension has been proposed with this section to extend to the Texas Gulf Coast where lots of hungry refineries await the crude oil.

Now every state and province involved with this pipeline extension is on board the extension of this $7 billion pipeline. Ditto for the unions who will build the pipeline who see tens of thousands of high paying new jobs for their members. Add in that the 1.1 million barrels of oil DAILY will be piped down to refineries will essentially eliminate any need to imported oil from the middle east for the US. So what gives here, oil from our neighbor who wants to sell it to us, thousands of badly needed jobs for people unemployed, refineries who need additional supply, and lastly no chance at any ocean spillage since all of the pipeline is over land?

There is only one person who can stop this pipeline and he is currently doing it. President Barack Obama refuses to sign the permit to start the construction. The unions frankly are not happy, but in this case their interests are outweighed by environmental interests. Environmentalists believe the additional supply would stymie current efforts at fuel efficiency. The environmentalists are also upset that the oil comes from oil sands, which can be messy getting in out of the ground. All this is silliness because if the US does not build this pipeline and buys this oil, Canada has already said they will build a pipeline to the Canadian west coast and sell the oil to China. In that case the Chinese and Canadians get the high paying jobs. Jobs again needed right here in the US.

So the decision is obvious either we build the pipeline and get the oil and jobs or China does it. Frankly Obama is captive to green crazies in my opinion and has made it clear he has no intention to sign the permits. Oh, one other note here, oil from Canada is up to $15 per barrel currently cheaper than oil imported across the ocean from other countries. So when you go to gas pump, remember the sole person who is keeping prices up on your gasoline is Obama.

TRP, Transcanada corporation, is one of the best long term dividend investments you can own. It has consistently paid and raised the dividend and is a safe investment for your money in these troubled times. I have in the past owned this security and would again if it fit my trading approach. It has my highest recommendation.

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