Monday, June 27, 2011

Million Dollar Moments

Many currently wealthy families made their wealth in what I shall name "million dollar moments" . The last one of these occurred in the 1930"s. It was then in the depths of the Great Depression that someone in a family made a bet on the future. I have lived in three counties in North Carolina where I can see the wealth those families created at the precise moment everyone else was headed for the hills. Being able to be foresight when others are fearful is the steel that can make your family filthy rich. In a county south of us a family made a huge bet on farming back in the 1930's and bought up land and started a supply business that allowed them to not only survive, but thrive in the Great Depression. In doing so, taking whatever they had and betting the ranch, they made their generation and future generations very well off. In a county to our east a family bought into farm equipment and trucking during the Great Depression and made a fortune. In the county I currently live a family made a huge fortune being conservative bankers during the Great Depression, when many other banks were going under. In all these cases great risks were taken and rewards just as great. I expect there is a family in your area that did the same thing back in that million dollar moment.

I have already mentioned to you in another posting one serious opportunity that can bring you future wealth that is available right not. Many people, many young people, bought homes the last ten years and now are under water in their mortgage. Frankly they should have waited on the purchase of real estate if for investment purposes. Today residential real estate is a steal. Yes, if might go lower, but many opportunities are lost while waiting for the absolute bottom. If you financially sound and have good income, good out buy as much home as you can afford. You will get a low interest rate and a way below market price. Be selective and be patient, but buy. Buy a home to live in, not a house. Twenty years from now you will be richly rewarded with a almost paid off home and serious capital appreciation. You will also be the envy of your friends when they discuss mortgage loan rates.

Are there other opportunities for great wealth such as the Depression investments available now or soon? Frankly I do not know as most of these investments took long sighted individuals who could see past the prevailing problems and I do not possess such insight. The key here is to find investments where fear is rampant and the future bright. Sometime in the next couple of years the US Government will either make a decision to get a handle on their growing debt or they will not. If the government does not I expect we will again see a moment where asset values are ravaged and opportunities for future wealth will emerge. I leave it to you to find your Million Dollar Moment.

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