Tuesday, August 23, 2011

New normal...new job skills.

Our mothers, fathers, and grandparents went through something similar to what we are currently economically, then it was called the Great Depression.  Frankly the misery they endured would make today's so called problems look silly in comparison.  We as a country will likely never know anything approaching the concerns of not knowing where your next meal is coming from and if you will have enough money to pay not some of the bills, but any bill coming due soon. Oh, we think we do , but if you have read history and had the chance to listen to those who lived through the 1930's then you know better. When I hear people on TV or in the media try to say we really really need to be concerned about the "poor", I think they are not serious because we do not have poor compared to the 1930's. The people of that era endured the Great Depression , fought and won a World War sacrificing some of their prime years, and went on to build the greatest economic society known to mankind . I know and have known many of them, never a complaint, never a request for charity, just give them an opportunity and they would take it from there. A hand up instead of a hand out. Today we lose our job and live on unemployment, have lifetimes on welfare and food stamps.  Many of us enjoy free medical care through Medicaid. Trust me that is not depression like living conditions.  According to government statistics almost everyone "poor" today has an air conditioner in their home, lots of home appliances, a cellphone, even a car. So poor today is not poor like yesteryear, or most places in this world.
All this is not to say we do not have problems because we do. The current economic environment could be greatly improved with just a change in direction of policy and a new commitment to equal opportunity, not equal outcome. Our new normal is not a good normal in my opinion. We either have to decide to get out of this mind set or endure a reduced standard of living going forward. Maybe you are personally satisfied with that, but if you are get out of the way and let those who want to do better do so and improve your life as well. This misery and malaise we find ourselves in is embodied by Obama who does not seem to have a uplifting bone in his body. Many others in our society seem to have adjusted to the new down spirit.  If you want to adjust your life to a better future do what our fathers, mothers, and grandparents did and pick yourselves up and learn some new skills that can be sold to an employer or you can sell on your own.
Our community colleges offer a huge selection of new skills to learn. Medical services, accounting, all kinds of technicians, business education, paralegal, office technology, criminal justice,  and the list goes on for seems like forever. All of these skills are in demand right now, all lead to good income opportunities, and frankly all are cheap to learn via the community college system. My personal opinion is that earning a major college degree currently, unless it is a medical licence, law licence, or something that leads to direct employment are worthless.  Oh, the media or Big Education establishment will not tell you that as they have a vested interest. But do you know of a medical trained person now who either does not have a job or can not find a job immediately? I bet you do know of someone with a major college degree who is unemployed and looking.
So use your time off during unemployment to stop looking for a job like the one your had, chances are that career is either gone or soon to be gone. You can either sit home with your smartphone, Facebook page, DVD's. and video games or you can get out and make it happen. Go learn new skills, get some "family jewels" as I suggested in an earlier posting. The opportunities are out there, but it is up to you to find them and train for them. I noted in a story this morning many people are junking their corporate careers to start their own business and are happier doing so. The choice is yours a new normal and reduced lifestyle or a bright future.

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