Friday, August 19, 2011

Your "million dollar moment" is here and you are not included.

I picked up on a news story this morning that the federal government was preparing to sell off their huge inventory of homes that have been foreclosed on by Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and HUD.  Now everyone we are talking about BILLIONS and BILLIONS of dollars of housing that are soon to be on the auction block. We are also talking about BILLIONS and BILLIONS of dollars of discount from the real value. This value will transfer to someone who buys the foreclosures from the federal government. Many people overnight will become quite wealthy from the purchases of these homes. This is lot winning the lottery.

Now your federal government is concerned you might not like seeing all this wealth transfer so easily and so therefore sent out a Request for Information yesterday to judge how the public might respond to the sale. Note this RFI was not posted anywhere most people look and I do not know of any news media that covered it. That is how it is meant to be. The legal stuff is to be done like most legal stuff just done and move on to the real show. The real show is selling those homes.

What is really going to happen here is the RFI is structured in such a way to only allow the big guys to get in on this action. In case you are wondering who the big guys are let me mention a few, the DEMOCRAT hedge funds, the DEMOCRAT led Goldman Sachs, and the DEMOCRAT private equity funds. Yep, Mr. Obama is making sure those who pay for his reelection are getting to feast at the federal housing goodie table. Oh, I will admit there will be some Republican big wigs here too, but they will be very very few just to cover for the real money being handed out. Think about it this way if YOU were one of those select Republicans getting ready to win the lottery would you squeal about your good luck or just keep quiet take the money and go home and rejoice?

Anyway if everything was on the up and up here regular people like you and me would have the chance to bid on these homes, buy them and fix up, rent out, or just sit on them for the big payday down the road. I have looked and looked this morning for a way to get in on this pork and can not find one and I have access to more opportunities than most people. So as I posted in my "Million Dollar Moments" posting back a couple of months ago that really bad times such as this offer chances to be really rich for those who seize opportunity your chance for one of those moments is with this sale.  But Mr. Obama is going to make sure YOU are left out. Now if you are a reader of this blog and are getting a shot at this federal largesse please e-mail me on how to join you and get in please. Trust me I will keep quiet too.

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